Leaving A Gift in Your Will for Cancer Research

At MJP Law, we work closely with Cancer Research UK, offering a Free Will Service. The Free Will Service enables anyone over 18 years of age to create a simple Will, free of charge. Often those that create a Will through this scheme will thank Cancer Research by leaving the charity a gift. This can be either a legacy gift or a residuary gift.

Here are two examples of what leaving a gift to Cancer Research UK could mean for them:

A Legacy Gift

A legacy gift of £1,000 could buy imaging software that Cancer Research UK scientists use to film cells in real-time, helping to test potentially life-saving treatments and find promising new cancer drugs.

Residuary Gifts

Leaving a percentage of your residuary estate could help Cancer Research even further. For example, 20% of a £300,000 estate could buy an innovative machine that analyses huge amounts of DNA at a fast rate, helping scientists to learn more about cancer. 

Since April 2022, MJP Law have helped raise £64,575 through both legacy and residuary gifts left by our clients for Cancer Research UK.

In total, MJP Law have raised a total of £3.3 million in pledges to Cancer Research UK, helping them continue with their amazing work. The Free Will Scheme is open to anyone over the age of eighteen and although a gift is greatly received, it is not a requirement in order to use the service.

Should you wish to create a simple Will, free of charge, please contact our Private Client department.

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